Test Your Business Etiquette

Business Etiquette is extremely important if you want to go far in life. Unfortunately, too many of the people who lack business savvy don’t realize they do. Professional social situations can be a little awkward at times. The rules are slightly different from the ones that govern your typical social events, but business school– or…

Is Your Business Really a Non-Profit?

A nonprofit organization or a “501(c)3” for short, named after it’s status,  is a type of business organization that has tax exempt status. The possibility of gaining tax-exempt status or 501(c)3 eligibility, government grant eligibility, and the many fundraising opportunities sounds pretty alluring for any business owner. Many entrepreneurs wonder if their businesses should or even could…

12 Common Mistakes Designers Make

As you all know, sometimes we make mistakes – not that we want to admit any of them. I understand that it’s a little embarrassing to say “Hey, I made a mistake.” However admitting to the mistake is what will make you better as a designer. Some mistakes are minor and others can be very…