flyer design

3 Basic Principles for Great Flyer Design

What makes a great flyer design? This question, even for me, a graphic designer, was pretty tough to answer. When I was just starting out in graphic design I was very unsure of the answer to this question. However, as I got more into designing I began to want to learn how to make my designs better.…


Quiz: Which Money Personality Are You?

Understanding your money personality will really help you as you continue to build your business. If you don’t understand your motivations and spending habits, you could go through years of being an entrepreneur or business owner without ever really maximizing your profits and growing your business. Take this quiz to find out what money personality…


What Color is Your Business?

With the millions of colors in the world it can be pretty difficult to pick the perfect color for your business. Most people often decide their brands color by simply choosing their favorite color. And, that is completely the wrong way to do it. Before choosing the proper color for your business you must first…


Quiz: What Type of Marketer Are You?

Knowing what kind of marketer you are can really help you to effectively market your business. But if you understand the kind of marketer you are you will better understand your strengths and weaknesses, which will make you better in the long run. What Kind of Marketer Are You? Take the quiz below to find…