Good Execution Only Follows a Solid Plan of Action

After working with thousands of real estate investors over the years, I know that 89% achieve their goals in one-third of the time they estimated when they:
a) have a mentor, and
b) have an exact customized action plan for success (based on their unique circumstances).

There’s just one problem. A personal mentor is out of reach for most, so too many people get stuck in the cycle of buying course after course after course that does nothing to actually answer the specific question of:

How do I, in my unique situation, get started investing in real estate?

The brand new BTS Real Estate AI Mentor Assessment – the world’s First Artificial Intelligence Real Estate Mentor – changes that. You will learn how YOU can start AND actually achieve your goals in HALF the time.

Ready to get started to learn your real estate investing Archetype and get your personalized 4-Page blueprint report?

I’ve conducted thousands of mentorship coaching calls and interviewed over 500 successful investors, and while everyone thinks they are unique and their individual situation is one-of-a-kind,

I can tell you that there are 24 distinct real estate investing archetypes and everyone fits into 1 of them.

The Rising Freshman

Learning Freshman

The Honorable Operative

The Fledgling Executive

The Novice Executive

The Novice Financier

The Fledgling Commander

The Autonomous Lion

The Tenacious Ally

The Collaborative President

The Organized Envoy

The Collaborative Imperial

The Autonomous Captain

The Transitional Observer

The Transitional Financier

The Tenacious Sovereign

The Presidential Ally

The Sovereign Pilot

The Autonomous Leader

The Sovereign Lion

Collaborative Monarch

The Regal Ally

The Collaborative Lion

The Decisive Diplomat

This 7-minute assessment will identify which one of the 24 you are and give you INSTANT ACCESS to a 4-Page Customized BTS Real Estate Investing Blueprint that:

  • Identifies your specific real estate investing Archetype
  • Describes your individual investing style
  • Shows you how to leverage your strengths and starve your weaknesses to best prepare you for real estate investing
  • Provides a customized investing education plan
  • Outlines how to find time in your busy schedule
  • Details the actions you need to take next to start investing or take your investing to the next level based on your unique situation

What if you had a customized 4-page report that identified your real estate investing personality and gave you your own BTS Customized Real Estate Investing Blueprint that you need for success?

Good news: for a limited time, you can get your customized BTS Real Estate Investing Blueprint right here.

Take the 7-minute AI Mentor assessment and get your results instantly!

Here are just a few of the things that our clients are saying about the new AI Real Estate Mentor Assessment

This was pretty spot on. It confirmed some things I’m aware of about myself and I look forward to breaking through those barriers and FINALLY walking the walk!

Shinda Cooper-Jackson

The assessment was exactly what I needed. It defined my investment type and gave me a strategy that aligned with my goals and personality. I would suggest every would be Investor to take time and take the assessment.

Mike Harris

The assessment summarized what I knew. More than that, it encouraged me to feel comfortable with where I am. There are so many components to real estate. Navigating one lane is very helpful.

Onyx Roberts

It was very helpful for me to see the results and see that it is tangible for me to get my real estate portfolio together based on my personality. I’m excited to start this more defined process! (I’m happy to submit a video but just need to record it)

Atiya Brown

It’s amazing that my AI archetype is a “Decisive Diplomat”….why, because during my life journey I have been truly described as someone who’s diplomatic. For me the assessment was right on the money! I encourage you to take it…I co-sign it and give it my stamp of approval!

Kim Avant Babb

I was very pleased with the results and how accurate they were. I like that it gives you structure and guidance.

Tarae Gregory

I’ve heard every excuse for why real estate investors don’t achieve goals.

“I don’t have time.”
“I have bad credit.”
“I don’t have enough money.”
“I didn’t like the last deal I did.”
“I don’t know how to find the right deals.”
And the list goes on and on….

But what if you had a system that capitalized on your strengths and what you DO have, and taught you how to acknowledge and starve your weaknesses?

If you are ready for real estate success but don’t want to spend tens of thousands of dollars on personal mentors and useless classes, click here to start your assessment.

You are just 7 minutes away from learning your Real Estate Investing Archetype and getting your BTS Real Estate Investing Blueprint that is customized for you and will show you how to achieve your real estate goals in less time than you ever thought possible.