Our BTS Certified Real Estate Executives

Nicole Purvy

Better Than Success CEO

Nicole Purvy is an active real estate developer and investor who has purchased, developed, and holds over $5M in real estate investments. She is also the owner of Heritage City Construction, a general contracting firm specializing in 1-4 family property full-gut renovations.

Nicole is the founder of the Better Than Success (BTS) Real Estate League, a national real estate club that educates new and experienced real estate investors to build wealth and cash flow through real estate. While growing BTS, Nicole also founded Philly Real Estate Week, an annual week-long celebration of real estate investing and home buying in Philadelphia, and the Women in Real Estate Summit, an annual one-day intensive real estate investing event that features an all-star line-up of women real estate investors. She is also the co-founder of BTS Funding, a commercial mortgage brokerage