BTS League Annual

$1,249.00 / year

Founded in 2016, The Better Than Success Real Estate League is world’s most comprehensive and robust real estate club for first-generation entrepreneurs, investors and wealth builders.  With the leadership of our 9 BTS Certified Real Estate Executives, we guide our member-investors through our unique engineered psychology-based approach that has been proven to help:

  1. W2 employees transition to full-time real estate business ownership QUICKLY
  2. First generation entrepreneurs become real estate investors FASTER, and
  3. Existing real estate investors both scale their real estate businesses EFFICIENTLY and earn extra income through real estate coaching and mentoring.

Scroll down to see what members get access to




  • 9 Vetted and Certified Real Estate Executives “It Starts All with The Leadership” – Our community is run by a team of 9 verified investors who have been, vetted, verified, background checked (they are ACTIVE investors that act in the marketplace with integrity), and highly trained (Our Execs are Certified BTS Real Estate Executives) that guide our member-investors through to real estate success.(Value $30,000) Included with your BTS Membership
  • Real Estate AI Mentor “Great mentors give wise guidance” – Our member-investors get access to our proprietary Real Estate AI Mentor. We have found that 89% of our new member-investors achieve their goals in a third of time, when they had a mentorship strategy session with someone from our leadership team that resulted in them having an exact plan or course of action for their success.  Our very own Real Estate AI Mentor gives them just that and more in half the time spent and double the efficiency. Their mentor coaching session is conducted by completing an online assessment that sorts our member-investors into one of 24 distinct real estate investing archetypes that help them to better understand their own learning journey as well as help them to understand the next best action(s) to start or continue on their journey.  Over the next 12 months, the AI Mentor then pushes personalized education modules based on their specific unique circumstances and real estate investing archetype so that there is less guesswork in deciding what lessons to watch based on their needs and goals with a guiding hand along the way. (Value $10,000) Included with your BTS Membership
  • Group Coaching and Accountability “Order Your Steps” – Our member-investors are more likely to achieve their real estate goals because they receive weekly support through our Group Coaching and Accountability calls on Friday and Monday evenings. Each call is led by one of our trained real estate executives who not only keep members on track according to their individual strategic plan but also guide them with answers to questions that they may have along the way. (Value $20,000) Included with your BTS Membership
  • Mindset Shift “Hack Your OWN Brain” – Our members gain competitive advantage with our schedule of up to 5 weekly live virtual members-only events led by our 9 real estate executives and over 400 pre-recorded training sessions in our comprehensive members-only backoffice database.  Our approach allows for our landlords and future landlords to immediately and completely submerge into the world of real estate investing by crafting a live networking and learning experience that fits into their busy schedules. (Value $30,000) Included with your BTS Membership
  • Deal Analysis Lab and Tutoring “Numbers Don’t Lie” – Our member-investors greatly reduce their investment risks not only with our Deal Analysis Training but also our deal analysis practice with our Weekly Deal Analysis Lab and Tutoring on Tuesdays. The more deals you analyze, the better you are at running numbers ACCURATELY on YOUR FIRST DEAL. (Value $2,500) Included with your BTS Membership
  • Togetherness & Community “Instantly Level up Your Circle”: – There is a saying that goes like this: You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Unfortunately, when we start a new journey in life, our current friends and family members are not equipped to support us in this foreign journey.  Our member-investors instantly level up their own real estate circles by getting immediate access to our community of real estate investors who ‘prioritize doing business’ with each other whenever possible as per our core values.  Our built-in community will allow you to instantly elevate your personal and professional board of directors without abandoning your life-long friends. (Value $1,000) Included with your BTS Membership
  • Personalized Lessons and Lectures “Eliminate Overwhelm”-  Our member-investors receive guided coursework delivered to their inboxes based on their unique personal, professional, and real estate circumstances. With our own proprietary Real Estate AI Mentor based on thousands of data points collected over 6 years, members get access to a catered learning experience that equates to more doors and more real estate income and profits. (Value $2,500) Included with your BTS Membership
  • Weekly Real Estate Mastermind “Learn from Others’ Mistakes and Successes” – Our member-investors get access to our live weekly Wednesday night mastermind sessions and archive of masterminds with different real estate presenters sharing their strategies, experiences, lessons, lectures, and failures. (Value $2,000) Included with your BTS Membership
  • Weekly Real Estate Workshops and Networking “Eliminate Confusion” – One of the most difficult things to overcome in real estate is confusion around the day-to-day minutiae of the business.  Our member-investors get access to private weekly Saturday workshops covering the hairy details around the business of investing in real estate with subjects such as “Negotiation Tactics”, “How to Read a Settlement Sheet”, “The Title Process” and “The Journey from Contract to the Closing Table” and sooooo much more… (Value $3,000) Included with your BTS Membership
  • Real Estate Market News & Data “Staying in the Know” – Our member-investors have a higher rate of success in real estate investing because they not only know their numbers, but because they also know how to read the market.  A great deal of making a great investment decision is based on having context, and this is why our member-investors get a weekly newsletter delivered in their inbox with the most pertinent and up to date real estate information, news and data. (Value $500) Included with your BTS Membership
  • ARV Magazine “Today a reader, tomorrow a leader” – Anyone can GET motivated but MAINTAINING motivation is key to success when achieving real estate goals.  Our member-investors stay motivated to persevere and work toward success with inspirational stories about how their fellow members achieved their goals with their complementary subscription to our own publication ARV Magazine.  ARV magazine is a limited edition real estate magazine, highlighting everyday investors from within the Better Than Success Real Estate League Community. Who knows? Maybe your family will be reading about YOUR story in the next edition of ARV magazine. (Value $50) Included with your BTS Membership
  • Better Than Success Book Club “The world belongs to those who read.” – You already know the benefits of reading.  We have a book club for our member-investor booklovers and we only read books about getting and keeping real estate wealth.  Also, we make the information “stick” with stimulating sessions where we discuss the book of the quarter and how it impacted each of us.  (Value $100) Included with your BTS Membership