
#36: Take the Small Business Owner Assessment

Better Than Success Podcast host and Business Success Coach Nicole Purvy, gives you her BTS Small Business Owner Health Assessment. This assessment will help you to see how well you understand your business and where you can improve. The assessment focuses on nine area of business that most entrepreneurs overlook. Download this assessment and see…

Does Your Brand Have Staying Power

5 Ways to Build a Brand with Staying Power

For small businesses, branding is just as important as it is for large businesses. A business without branding– in the grand scheme of things– means nothing. Just think about McDonald’s, whenever you see the golden arches you instantly think “Mickey D’s!” Or how about Christian Louboutin, you instantly know that’s what someone’s wearing when you…

5 Things Successful People Do Before 8am

5 Things Successful People Do Before 8am

You’ve heard the saying before “the early bird gets the worm”, and when it comes to being a successful entrepreneur, it’s definitely true. The reality is that there is a distinct difference between people who are successful and people who are not. The most important difference is that people who are successful are actually very…